2024 – Intellectual Disability Drive

This is one of the most recognizable activities that the Knights of Columbus do. The funds generated from this drive are used to support local programs which help people with special learning needs. Please note this year’s drive is broken up between two different weekends in September and October (October dates\locations are not yet finalized).

For those that may not see us out at the locations but would still like to make a donation, the Illinois State Council is providing a secure online donation option. Please feel free to share this page with your family and friends that may be interested in supporting our drive.

Organizations Supported – Make an Online Donation

Epiphany After Mass 9/14-9/15

Signup for McDonalds on 9/20-9/22

Signup for Schnucks 10/12 and 10/19

Signup for Wal-Mart 10/19 (cancelled)

Brisket and Brock – 09/17/2024

Epiphany Knights of Columbus and ISU football coach Brock Spack will again team up for “Brisket and Brock” on Tuesday, September 17th, with dinner promptly at 6:30! Mike Kiley’s and Matt Sander’s smoked brisket will be followed by the inside scoop on the football program from Epiphany’s own Brock Spack. You don’t have to be a member to attend. All are welcomed.  Please complete our RSVP Form (closed) by 9/13 if you are interested in joining us for the dinner. There is no charge but a free will offering is accepted.

Here is the Volunteer Signup for the Knights wanting to help with the event.

06-18-2024 – KofC Picnic

In place of our normal council meeting, we will have a cookout open to all knights and their families on Tuesday, 6/18 from 6 PM to 8 PM. Tables will be setup on the drive outside the Parish Hall kitchen door. We ask everyone bring their own lawn chairs. The knights will furnish the hamburgers, buns, and drinks. Everyone may bring a side or dessert.

Please RSVP to let us know how many people are attending and to help us maintain a list of the sides and desserts.

Anyone wishing to help setup or with the grilling, should plan to arrive at 5 PM.

06-08-2024 – Special Olympics Games Tailgate Picnic

On Saturday, June 8th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm the Special Olympics is looking for the Knights to grill burgers, run the food from the grill to the serving area and serve 900 – 1,100 family members & friends on the grassy area on the south side of Hancock Stadium.

We broke the times down into two shifts (feel free to signup for both shifts if you would like).

If you prefer to only grill, run food, or be a server, please specify that after your name in the signup. Otherwise, we will assume you are good to fill any of these activities. Please provide your T-Shirt size, so they can have a volunteer shirt available for you.

Please bring any questions to our next meeting on 6/4 or send an email to info@kofc6498.


“On the Waterfront” and Dinner on 4/16/2024 – Cancelled

** The event is cancelled **

Enjoy an evening out as the Epiphany Knights of Columbus continue their Dinner and a Movie series on Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30 PM. Enjoy Brother Daryl Menke’s best goulash and then enjoy “On the Waterfront” starring Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb, and Eva Marie Saint.

Are you tired of movies where the priest is portrayed as corrupt, judgmental, or worse? Us too! Enjoy this movie where the local priest exhibits courage, compassion, and integrity in standing up to no-goodniks!

Please RSVP as space is limited!

P.S. We truly appreciate that so many of you are coming out for dinner, but we tend to run out of food when we don’t have you signed up!

“A Man for All Seasons” & an Italian beef dinner with K of C on 3/19/2024

Epiphany’s Knights of Columbus invite you to the next Dinner and a Movie on Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 PM in the parish hall. 

Enjoy an Italian beef dinner followed by “A Man for All Seasons,” starring Paul Schofield, Robert Shaw, Orson Welles, and Susannah York. A winner of seven Academy Awards, this masterpiece is a dramatization of St. Thomas More’s martyrdom and struggle to be a loyal Lord Chancellor of England while remaining true to the Roman Catholic faith. 

Please RSVP as space is limited!