Spelling Bee – 02/17/2024

Knights of Columbus Council 6498 at Epiphany Catholic Church will hold its Youth Spelling Bee Championship on Saturday, February 17, 2024, 10:00 AM in the church social hall at 1000 E. College Avenue in Normal. This event is open to any local student (public, private, or homeschooled) who has not exceeded eighth grade or turned 16 years old by the date of the competition. The winner of this local competition will be eligible to participate in the regional championship with the date to be determined. There is no registration fee to participate. Certificates will be given to first, second, and third place spellers. Please to arrive at the church by 9:45 AM. We would appreciate you completing our entry form online prior to the event (there will still be an opportunity to complete at the door. A parent/guardian will be asked to verify the student’s eligibility.

With 1.7 million members, the Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal association and works in service to Catholic parishes, families, local communities, and youth.

Click here to help at the event.

5th Sunday Coffee and Donuts 12/31/2023

The Knights will be running the 5th Sunday Coffee and Donuts in the Parish Hall on the 5th Sunday in December following the 7:30 and 9 AM Masses.

If you would like to help (serve drinks, replace donuts, and help with final cleanup), please add your name to the signup. Ideally, you should help following a Mass you are not planning to attend. You should plan to arrive 10 minutes before Mass completes (8:10 AM for 7:30 and 9:45 AM for 9 AM). The final cleanup starts around 10:30 AM and is usually done by 11:00 AM.


‘For Greater Glory’ & Beef Stroganoff with K of C on 1/16/2024

Join the Epiphany Knights of Columbus for a night out perfect for couples! On Tuesday, January 16, enjoy homemade Beef Stroganoff at 6:30 PM followed by “For Greater Glory” starring Andy Garcia and Eva Longoria. This movie tells the story of heroic faith during the Cristero War in Mexico. Screening will be in the church hall. You can sit on a regular banquet table chair or bring a comfortable chair from home. There is no charge but donatons will be appreciated. Attendance is limited to those 18 years and older!

Space is limited to 42 attendees, so please sign up here no later than January 14.


2023 Christmas Parade and Nativity Setup Signups

Our council will have our “Keep Christ in Christmas” entry in the Jaycee’s Christmas parade on Saturday, 12/2. We will be loading up the trailer on the west side of Epiphany between 8:30 and 8:45 AM and will then carpool to the start of the parade (Kinsley Junior High).

We will hand out tootsie rolls as we walk the parade route.

Following the parade, we will return to Epiphany and complete setting up the outdoor nativity scene. We are usually back from the parade around 11:15 and it takes about 45 minutes to complete the setup.

The below link includes a signup both activities.

Christmas Parade and Nativity Setup Signups

Coat Drive – 9/23/23 – 10/01/23

Epiphany’s Knights of Columbus seek new or gently used coats (also jackets and hooded sweatshirts) for those in need as the weather turns cold.

You have three ways you can help:

  • Bring coats to Mass on September 23-24 or September 30th-October 1st.
  • Send coats with your Epiphany School kids the week of September 25-September 29. Epiphany’s Knights of Columbus will collect and deliver the coats to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for distribution. We know from many stories that people truly cherish these sources of warmth and comfort!
  • Help us collect coats before\after Masses and\or help with the delivery to St. Vincent de Paul on Monday, 10/2.


2023 – Intellectual Disability Drive

This is one of the most recognizable activities that the Knights of Columbus do. The funds generated from this drive are used to support local programs which help people with special learning needs. Please note this year’s drive is broken up between 4 different weekends in September and October.

For those that may not see us out at the locations but would still like to make a donation, the Illinois State Council is providing a secure online donation option. Please feel free to share this page with your family and friends that may be interested in supporting our drive.

Organizations Supported – Online Donation

=> 09/15 through 09/17 – COMPLETED

McDonalds – Volunteer Signup

=> 09/30 (Saturday Only)

WalMart – Volunteer Signup

=> 10/07 and 10/14 (Saturday Only)

Schnucks (North Normal) – Volunteer Signup

Those helping with the drive, please read the additional instructions provided in the signup links above.