About our Council

At Fr. Thomas Carmody Council #6498 in Normal, Illinois you will find brother Knights working to fulfill the central mission of the Order: striving in charitable works; serving the Church and unified in following its teachings; supporting brother Knights in their temporal and spiritual needs; acting for the good of their country; and giving aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the poor. This is Father McGivney’s dream, echoing across the century, and living today in the hearts of his brothers and all of those they touch. Vivat Jesus!

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practical Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old. A practical Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church.

You may join our council by completing this Form specifying council #6498 in Normal Il at Epiphany Parish.   Our annual dues are $30.00.

Please contact our Grand.Knight@kofc6498.org or any council member with any questions you may have about the Knights or our council.  We meet in the Parish Hall every first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.



  • Financial contributions to seminarians in the Peoria Diocese.
  • Collect aluminum cans at Epiphany and donate proceeds to Epiphany School.
  • Purchase and maintenance of the outside Nativity at Epiphany Church.
  • Assist with maintenance work around the church and school.
  • Provide ushers, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and other church/school leaders and volunteers.
  • Pancake Breakfasts.
  • Blue Mass and Dinner.
  • Fish Fries.
  • Fund raisers for Epiphany Parish projects.


  • Sponsor and assist the Red Cross with blood drives.
  • Participate in the Bloomington/Normal Christmas parade with a float.
  • Intellectual Disabilities Fund Drive (Tootsie Rolls). Proceeds donated to local service organizations.
  • Support Illinois Special Olympics
  • Support Right to Life programs
  • Annual Coat Drive to Support St. Vincent de Paul
  • Home Brew Challenge to support local organizations


  • Various Outings.
  • Picnics and dinners.
  • Special events like monthly movie night.


  • Annual scholarships to CCHS awarded to Epiphany School 8th grade students.
  • KofC Free-throw Contest.
  • KofC Spelling Bee.
  • Various other donations and activities.


  • Assist brother Knights and family.
  • Celebrate a memorial mass for deceased members.
  • Chili night, cookouts, stags, etc.
  • Access to K of C Insurance, State and National K of C programs.